Plastic Surgery is a medical specialty that encompasses both aesthetic and reconstructive surgical procedures.

The word plastic comes from the Greek “plastikos”, meaning “to model” and to “adapt for modeling”.

Back in the history the specialized plastic surgery seems to have started in Babylon in 1900 B.C. Since then, many authors and medical scientists have helped in developing this specialty.

Plastic surgery implies both shape modifications and functional changes.

For some medical specialists, there is no gap between plastic and reconstructive surgery but semantic, since the two concepts are closely related. While aesthetic surgery is especially dedicated to beauty enhancement, reconstructive surgery deals with the repair of birth defects like clef lip and palate and deformities caused by accidents and acquired diseases like burns, maxillofacial trauma and skin tumors as well.

The concept of beauty has been influenced all over the world and across the history by many factors, including ethnic background, geographic location and socioeconomic position, among others.

Recent trends in clinical aesthetic practice have favored medical techniques that enhance cultural aspects of attractiveness and mitigate certain signs of aging.

Aesthetic medical treatments, both surgical and non-surgical, attempt to improve patients’ needs, according to their realistic expectations and beauty standards. This site will develop concepts regarding aesthetic surgery and ancillary procedures. 

The most frequent procedures are: